Engineers in Spotlight: Global Talent of Asilla (Part 2)

Welcome back to the fourth blog post of Asilla Tech Blog! In this note, I hope to introduce the budding youth of international engineers who are working extremely hard to advance the technological innovations for protecting the security of our society. 


Nitish Jaiswal

Mr. Nitish pursued his undergraduate degree at Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) specializing in civil engineering and master’s degree at the University of Tokyo focusing in spatial information science. A highly motivated and talented individual from New Delhi, India is an all-rounder with keen interests ranging from traveling to playing musical instruments (piano, guitar, flute). Moreover, Mr. Nitish’s passion for exploring higher studies abroad led him to start a new chapter in Japan engaging him with a new lifestyle from another cultural perspective. 


At Asilla, Mr. Nitish is currently developing a transformer based model which can be trained on human silhouette data combined with the human pose heatmaps to capture human walking patterns for re-identification. In this regard, he is developing a novel algorithm for more efficient fusion of silhouette based and pose based features. Also, he is experimenting with a self-supervised learning approach to utilize unlabelled datasets to boost the model's performance and generalization capability. In the future, Mr. Nitish hopes to achieve a robust Gait recognition system which can help MCT to detect and track suspected people in diverse environments. 


Niraj Yadav

Mr. Niraj completed his bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology Mandi concentrating in Computer Science and Engineering. A charismatic individual with a good sense of humor is from Jaipur, India and he thoroughly enjoys watching anime, exploring restaurants, and playing video games. Furthermore, Mr. Niraj was first introduced to Japan through a 2-month summer internship opportunity at a company called Weathernews Inc. that exposed him to Japanese work culture and lifestyle; in essence, this opportunity further encouraged him to come back to Japan for start off his career at Asilla Japan! 


At Asilla, Mr. Niraj is currently working in the MCT office tracking project. He handles the coordination between SCT(single camera tracking) and MCT(multi camera tracking) while managing the Neo4j database within the system. The overall goal of this project is to enhance the office technical framework through providing management to NTT office by tracking the people across the office.


Li Wei Chang

Mr. Chang completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees at National Tsing Hua University in computer science while focusing his research in deep learning. A kind hearted and an intellectual personality hails from the land of Taiwan who enjoys unique hobbies of riding motorcycles and reading books on the history of philosophy and mathematics. Moreover, Mr. Chang was first introduced to Japan through a study abroad program at University of Tsukuba that enabled him to conduct research on SNS statistical analysis by utilizing graph theory. 


At Asilla, Mr. Chang is working at the Biological Motion (BLM) team with a main research goal of enhancing the age estimation and gender classification using a model-based and appearance-based approach. He has been researching in this team from the start and hopes to improve the accuracy, performance, and speed of this model. 


Closing Remarks


Asilla Inc. is still accepting job applications for interested members from worldwide. If you are interested in joining our diverse and talented team members, please contact us as soon as possible.  


株式会社アジラのグローバルエンジニア (Part 2)





















Engineers in Spotlight: Global Talent of Asilla (Part 1)

Hello! Welcome to the third post of the Asilla Tech Blog. In this overview, we hope to introduce elite class researchers and AI engineers who are currently working in Asilla to further the vision of becoming the guardians of the world! 


Specialist in Gait Analysis 

Name: Yap Miao Sin Robin

Major: Computer Intelligence and Systems Science 

University: Tokyo Institute of Technology 

Dr. Robin received his undergraduate and master’s degrees from National University of Singapore and completed his PhD at Tokyo Institute of Technology. A fine, soft-spoken gentleman hails from Singapore as his passion in information technology & robotics and his enthusiasm to study abroad led to the land of the rising sun: Japan! In fact, Dr. Robin has established extensive research experience in University of Tsukuba & Agency for Science, Technology and Research (ASTAR) and significant exposure in industrial settings at Sunwell Corporation and QiBi Tech for software engineering. 


At Asilla, Dr. Robin is associated with the multi-camera tracking (MCT) team and the biological motion (BLM) team. His main research goal at the MCT team is to enhance the camera-based gait recognition accuracy using 3D pose estimation model and bench-marking it against IMU gait estimation. For the long term, he hopes to improve gait re-identification of subjects using a 3D pose estimation approach. 


Aside from his professional activities, Dr. Robin enjoys spending his leisure time playing the guitar and engaging in activities from swimming to robot plastic modeling. 


Specialist in Brain Science 

Name: Mohammad Abdolrahmani 

Major: Cognitive Neuroscience

University: Osaka University

Dr. Mohammad pursued his doctoral degree at Osaka University focusing on cognitive neuroscience.  A well established biomedical researcher from Iran was a former university lecturer at Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences who taught anatomical sciences to medical students in training. In fact, his continued intellectual curiosity in visual perception and visually guided behaviors motivated him to pursue higher studies in Japan that further led him to become a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at prestigious RIKEN. 


At Asilla, Dr. Mohammad aims to improve the state of the art behavior prediction models, by generating such datasets in addition to mining of the existing database, extracting stereotypical as well as unique features, training deep learning models with such features in order to develop models with better accuracy and higher confidence.Besides the stereotypes, Dr. Mohammad believes that human mind and behavior have subtleties that is unique for every individual. Thus, in order to classify or to predict human behavior with high certainty, Dr. Mohammad visions that AI needs to visit not only the stereotypes, but also the behavioral subtleties while hoping to accomplish one of the major obstacles for more accurate models is by solving the complications with lack of specialized datasets. 


In his free time, Dr. Mohammad loves to explore nature, filmmaking, football, and current advancements in science. 


Specialist in Human Robot Interaction 

Name: Hesham Shehata 

Major: Mechanical Engineering 

University: Alexandria University

Mr. Hesham is a fantastic hands-on engineer who pursued his educational background at Alexandria University in mechanical engineering and further attained doctoral research exposure at Kyoto University. A motivated and hard-working R&D engineer from Egypt had previously served as a Physics Instructor at Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology and applications mechanical engineer at National Water Works Company which enabled him to top class exposure to Mechatronics and Robotics department along with a manufacturing center with CNC machines! In fact, his 6 year tenure at E-JUST led to effective collaborations with Japanese professors that further actuated him to continue his research passion in Japan! 


At Asilla, Mr. Hesham is interested in doing research on human trajectories to achieve the best performance to recognize and predict trajectory-related human behaviors in public places. This involves collecting data, defining related features, and training and developing machine learning (ML) prediction models. By doing so, he aims to help Asilla become a world leader in the field of human action recognition through human trajectory identification.


In his leisure time, he enjoys coding, swimming, running, and football.


Specialist in Medical Technology 

Name: Santosh Kumar  

Major: Biological Sciences  

University: University of Toronto 

Mr. Santosh is a highly motivated biomedical engineer who majored in biological sciences at the University of Toronto. An ambitious and hard working researcher with a multicultural personality hails from Morioka, Iwate-Prefecture who developed profound interests in the applications of artificial intelligence within the biomedical sciences. As a matter of fact, Mr. Santosh had attained extensive research experience at numerous global settings enabling him to innovate cutting edge technological discoveries in MRI, NMR, and drug delivery systems for a sustainable future. 


At Asilla, Mr. Santosh hopes to work on establishing the global brand of the company from an international perspective. In fact, he was deeply moved by the company’s mission of utilizing the state-of-the-art AI technology for becoming the guardians in the world while aiming to reach the number 1 position in the world. Indeed, he strongly believes that Asilla’s technology poses outstanding potential to revolutionize our society, eradicating crime and danger. 


In his free time, he enjoys engaging in activities such as theater arts, dancing, and ikebana. 


Closing Remarks   


Would you be interested to take part in this diverse team of engineers who are creating transformational technological solutions for a safer environment? Asilla Inc. is currently hiring top global talent so do not hesitate to reach out to us! 


Lastly, stay tuned for the second series of “Engineers in Spotlight Part 2” very soon! 


株式会社アジラのグローバルエンジニア (Part 1)







ロビン博士は、シンガポール国立大学で学部と修士号を取得し、東京工業大学で博士号を取得しました。シンガポール出身の物腰の柔らかい紳士で、ITとロボット工学への情熱と熱意から、日本への留学を果たしました。筑波大学科学技術振興機構(ASTAR)で幅広い研究経験を積み、サンウェル株式会社やQiBi Techでソフトウェアエンジニアリングを担当するなど、産業界で活躍する博士です。











モハマド博士は、大阪大学認知神経科学を中心に博士号を取得しました。 イラン出身のこの生物医学研究者は、ホルモズガン医科大学の元講師で、医学生に解剖学的な知識を教えていました。実際、視覚認識と視覚誘導行動に対する知的好奇心の継続が、日本での高等研究への動機となり、さらに有名な理化学研究所の博士研究員へと導いたのです。










ヘシャムは、アレキサンドリア大学で機械工学を学び、京都大学で研究活動を行なった素晴らしい実践的な技術者です。エジプト出身の意欲的で勤勉な研究開発エンジニアは、エジプト日本科学技術大学で物理学の講師を務めた後、National Water Works Companyで機械工学のアプリケーションエンジニアを務め、メカトロニクスとロボティクス部門、およびCNCマシンを備えた製造センターでトップクラスの経験を積みました。実際、E-JUSTでの6年間の在職は、日本人教授との効果的な共同研究につながり、彼はさらに日本で研究への情熱を継続させることになったのです! 




















最後に、「株式会社アジラのグローバルエンジニア (Part 2)」を近日公開予定です。



こんにちは!株式会社アジラ執行役員CTOの若狭です。アジラは、”事件・事故を未然に防ぐ世界へ”をVisionに掲げ、施設向けAI警備システムの開発及び販売や行動認識AIを用いたソリューション事業を行う会社です。Tech Blog第2回の今回はアジラが世界に誇る行動認識AIに関して紹介致します。



行動認識(Action Recognition)は、人物の行動を認識するアルゴリズムであり、一般的なカメラからのRGBデータをはじめ、RGBデータに深さ情報を追加したRGBD データや、各種加速度センサやモーションセンサ計測データを活用したものなど、様々な入力データに対するアルゴリズムの研究が行われています。特にカメラからのRGBデータを活用した行動認識アルゴリズムは、人物にセンサを取り付ける必要がなく、一般的なカメラで取得可能なRGBデータのみで解析を行うことが可能であるため、様々な業界において行動認識の活用が期待されています。
RGBデータを活用した行動認識アルゴリズムは、図1に示すように、入力が画像(Image)か動画(Video)により分類することができます。また、出力の形態によっても分類することができ、行動分類(Action Classification)と行動検知(Action Detection)に大きく分けることができます。行動分類は入力データに対する行動ラベルを予測するものであり、行動検知はそのデータ内における人物位置及び時間(動画の場合)も行動ラベルと共に予測するアルゴリズムになります。アジラでは、入力を動画とした行動検知アルゴリズムの開発に注力しており、今回の記事では、RGB動画データを用いた行動検知アルゴリズムを中心に紹介致します。






姿勢推定アルゴリズムとは、画像や動画データを入力とし、その入力データに映る人物の各関節点を推定するアルゴリズムです。姿勢推定を基盤とした行動検知アルゴリズムの精度は、いかに精度良く姿勢推定を行えるかに大きく左右されるため、姿勢推定アルゴリズムの精度は非常に重要なものとなります。アジラでは姿勢推定アルゴリズムをコア技術と位置付けており、開発当初から独自データおよび独自モデルアーキテクチャで開発を行っており、継続的に精度向上を行ってきました。2022年8月にリリースされたAsillaPose® Ver5.0では、精度及び計算効率性において、他の姿勢推定アルゴリズムを大きく上回っています。(図3参照)

図3:姿勢推定アルゴリズム比較(Bottom-up Approach)



次に、姿勢推定アルゴリズムから得た姿勢データを時系列で人物毎に追跡し、時系列姿勢データから行動検知を行います。時系列姿勢データの解析では、人物姿勢データをグラフとして扱い解析を行います。Deep Learningでは、前提条件なしにすべて学習データから各種特徴などを学習することもできますが、データに関する仮定を置くことで、学習の効率化及び精度向上が可能なことが知られています(帰納バイアス)。人間の関節点は、隣接する点が変動することは無く、また画像&映像内での回転や並行移動に対し不変であるという仮定をおこくことができるため、人物の姿勢をグラフとして扱うことで、これらの仮定をモデルアーキテクチャに落とし込むことが可能となります。機械学習モデルの学習では、対応する行動の時系列姿勢データを学習データとし、教師あり分類モデルとして学習を行います。この際、アジラでは多くの開発及び運用時に得た行動データを活用することができ、非常に高い精度の機械学習モデルの学習が可能となっています。
























映像から歩容を用いた人物を同定する技術は、現在までに様々な例が報告されていますが、やはり近年はDeep Learningを用いた手法が主流になっています。具体的なフローとしては、下図に示すように、入力動画に対してまずは適切な処理を施して歩容情報の抽出を行います。その後、歩容情報をDeep Learningモデルに入力することで、その人物の歩容情報を凝縮した特徴量ベクトルを生成します。このベクトルと、別のベクトルとの距離を計算することで、距離が近い場合は同一人物、距離が遠い場合は別の人物であると認識します。


歩容特徴ベクトルを生成するDeep Learningモデルは、様々なモデルアーキテクチャが発表されていますが、やはり近年は流行であるViT (Vision Transformer)を用いた論文が増えてきています。アジラは、東京工業大学の篠田研究室と共同研究を行っており、日々歩容認証の精度向上に向け、独自の歩容認証機械学習モデルの研究開発を行っております。また、高精度のモデルを開発するためには、やはり学習データが大切となるため、アジラでは、ベトナムで多くのエキストラの方のサポートの元、独自の学習データの設計及び作成も行っています。












